Friday, March 4, 2011

Buying art online

The online purchasing of works of art is a growing phenomenon in recent years. Consumers are looking to their computers as they seek to fulfil their retail needs more and more and art is no exception to this trend. There are many benefits to this type of art retailing both for the purchaser and the artist. It is a growing tendency for many of the art galleries all over the country to sell work by the same few artists. Each artist has their own unique and distinctive style which they are very much encouraged to maintain often requiring that they paint repeated works in a similar colour range and of near identical subjects. Their popularity rises and falls according to the fashion of the moment and it would seem that the buyer is some what dictated to in what they might choose to hang on their walls.

With the increase of popularity of online art galleries and particularly artist’s websites individual artists are in touch with their customers as never before. Customers can make enquiries, requests and comments directly to the artist. With the removal of the middle man the artist is able to hold down prices considerably as galleries can put on 100 % mark ups in many cases. Purchasers of art are able to search the entire world for the art work they require and view it in their own home choosing something unique and different from the norm if they desire.

Apart from placing paintings in commercial galleries another way which artists have been able to make a living in the past is by applying for grants from the Art’s council. At this time of economic stringency grants are dwindling and it is far more difficult for artists to explore this avenue. Artists are spontaneous creatures having creative ideas and the desire to carry them out at their own pace. When grant applications are made there may be long delays before the artist has the go ahead to begin the work if their application is successful. The success of the application will depend on the Art’s council many criteria being satisfied. Thus the inspiration, freedom and creativity of the artist may once more be curtailed.

By buying art online the customer will be able to see art work which is truly inspired and developed by artists who have a freedom to develop and explore their own creative potential. Purchasers can support the arts in this way at a time when the art world is suffering cuts from government support. By buying directly from the artist the buyer will be able to buy art at a price far more suited to the budgets of today’s market. An investment in art can be very profitable if the art is wisely chosen , but it is most important to really enjoy what you buy so that you can treasure it for years to come. Just as the inter net has freed up artists to paint what they love so the customer has greater freedom to love what they buy.

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